You cannot find the field in which you work? Or do you think that a current specialisation is not specific enough?
The FSIE works with an open scheme to define the offered specialisation titles. Since we are a community composed of individuals, it is ultimately the individuals who should decide. Join us and help shape the titles.
The process is as follows:
- There is a group of 3 or more people who think that a new specialisation is needed, or a current definition needs a categorisation.
- The naming of this specialisation is determined by the group. Furthermore, the practices and competences of specialisation are expressed in terms of words. The embedding of the specialisation is described and proposed according to the state of knowledge according to Bloom (Bloom's Taxonomy, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives). Optionally, subspecialisations can be defined.
- The draft will be submitted to the FSIE Education Commission (EC) for feedback and voting.
- A final version of the certification program and the application to establish the community will be submitted to the FSIE board. The board then prepares the approval for the next general assembly (FSIE has two general assemblies per year).
- The Community elects a Specialisation Committee from at least three members. Each member is obliged to pass the specialisation self-certification "bootstrap".
- From now on, the experts of the FSIE of the technical committee act as examiners for the following candidates.
In addition to the five operating communities, we currently have four other communities and specialisations under development:
- strategy (enterprise and ICT architecture, programme management)
- management (leading teams/departments/companies, offering/contracting)
- operations (service and application management)
- audit & control
At the moment, some ideas regarding further specialisations like AI, Hardware and Data Science exist.
In addition, FSIE is considering defining an "Expert+" (plus) scheme for graduates of IT Master's or doctoral studies (Ph.D) (NQF levels 7 and 8).
Note: The title "Expert" is available for NQF level 6 or higher (Bachelor, HF).