Application Fee
190.00 CHF
165.00 CHF for members of any digitalswitzerland association
120.00 CHF for professional members of the FSIE
Conditions: The application includes all formal checks and a onetime re-checking of rectified material. If the new examination is unsuccessful and a new attempt is carried out, the registration fee is due again.
Contact us to begin the application process.
Certification Fee
1’800.00 CHF
1’530.00 CHF for members of any digitalswitzerland association
1’300.00 CHF for professional members of the FSIE
Conditions: The certification fee includes the case study assessment (and an eventual onetime re-assessment after corrections being made) and the 60 minutes exam if the case study is accepted. Both executed by 2 certified Experts FSIE of the specialisation. If the case study or exam fails, there is no refunding and for a new attempt, a new application must be made.
Re-Certification Fee (after every 3 years)
590.00 CHF
500.00 CHF for members of any digitalswitzerland association
0.00 CHF for expert members of the FSIE (included in the membership)
Conditions: cf. certification regulation (continuing education and practice)
The FSIE basic IT competences acquired through basic IT education are those of the specialisations but at a lower level according to Bloom's taxonomy1 1 up to 6. The maximum level for basic IT competences is level 3 application. Most practices are required at the levels of 2 comprehension or 1 knowledge. They are listed as the Core Body of Competences (CBOC) further below.
The FSIE relies on the existing Swiss IT tertiary education to assure the basic IT competences of the candidates. Hence, we acccept all IT tertiary degrees of the Swiss Universities, Polytechnics ETHZ/EPFL, Universities of Applied Sciences and Higher Schools. A tertiary degree is one with NQF level 6 at least, i.e. B.Sc. or HF. They are all listed below.
If you do not possess such a degree (e.g. equivalent but not Swiss, no degree but equivalent competences, ...), we analyse your application individually ("sur dossier").
Before applying to the certification FSIE, our candidates must have accomplished advanced or further education in their chosen specialisation (MAS, CAS or DAS, existing certificates in the domain). We expect a minimum effort of 16 ECTS (400 - 500 hours). This is demonstrated through in electronic copies of certificates. Our accepted certificates are listed in the specialisation description.
After the initial certification, the Expert FSIE™ enters the phase of life-long learning. The FSIE assesses and recommends continuing education events for each of the specialisations as well as for updates to the basic IT competences (CBOC). These are not provided by FSIE. For assessment, all education providers are called to send-in their offerings to the FSIE.
Every three years, we check whether further education (event-suitability and other measures according to our regulation) of at least 18 CEP (Continuing Education Points, equivalent to 9 days) is carried out.
The expert FSIE must first demonstrate practical experience in technical engineering and/or operational skills for at least 2 years on a full-time basis after completion of the basic IT training. As a transitional arrangement, we accept that these records can originate from any year. In the future, this will be limited to recent years.
Also, the expert FSIE must prove the practice in its selected specialization. The minimum requirement is a 40% FTE capacity reported with references not older than 6 years. The FSIE carries out a sample check of the references. The value of 40% was chosen (a) to support part-time employees and (b) to support 2 titles.
A final first practice related requirement is the assessment of your personal competences by 2 referenced colleagues of your practice.
After the initial certification, the Expert FSIE enters the life-long learning phase which has a strong practical component: Every 3 years we check whether the specialisation practice is continued with a capacity of at least 40% FTE. The demonstration is analogue to the first one with randomly checked references.
For the application as Expert FSIE, you must hand-in our Code of Conduct signed on every page. Please read and understand this document. In case of questions, please contact our Professional Council.
The current Code of Conduct convers the personal committments to quality, ethics, continuing education, and professionalism, the obligation for an impact analysis of the socio-technical environment in work assignments as well as principles in the behaviour with customers, colleagues and in the market.
We require each candidate to submit a case study from practice in the specialisation.
Successfully assessed case studies are published on the FSIE member's download page.
Please consult the FSIE case study regulation for getting to know the exact procedure.
The FSIE requires you, as an Expert FSIE of any specialisation, to be able to apply the following practices. According to Bloom1, the application involves using your knowledge to solve practical tasks using appropriate techniques and rules.
The FSIE requires you, as an Expert FSIE of any specialisation, to understand the following practices listed. According to Bloom1, this means that you demonstrate to understand the facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating the main ideas.
The FSIE requires you, as an Expert FSIE of any specialisation, to be able to know about the following practices. According to Bloom1, to know is to remember facts, terms, basic concepts, or answers without necessarily understanding what they mean.
Analytical thinking and problem solving
The expert analyses problems and opportunities effectively, identifies which proposals may deliver the most value and works with stakeholders to understand the impact of those proposals. The expert is creative, can lead a decision-making process, learns effectively, can generalise and visualise concepts and systems and systematically solves problems.
Personal behaviour
The expert gains trust and respect of stakeholders by consistently acting in an ethical manner, delivering quality results on time and demonstrating adaptability to changing needs and circumstances. The expert is organized, dependable, reliable, plannable and confident.
Business competences
The expert knows the basic legal and regulatory context (e.g. Swiss OR, ZGB, etc. basic concepts and regulations) he/she is working in. Generic business topics like finance/accounting, logistics, sales, marketing, supply chain management, human resources are known. The expert masters various project methodologies that determine the timing (big steps or small increments), the approach (waterfall or agile), the role of those involved, the accepted risk level, and other aspects of how IT work is approached and managed.
Communication skills
The expert is competent to listen to and understand an audience. When communicating, the expert understands how he/she is perceived by an audience, understands the communication objectives, the message itself, and the most appropriate media and format to be used.
Leadership and teamwork skills
The expert facilitates the interaction in the team, with and among the stakeholders. Leadership, i.e. the motivation and channelling of the focus of individuals towards shared objectives, is important. The expert works well in teams, mediates and resolves conflicts. The expert teaches others using appropriate techniques to facilitate the understanding of his work.
Tools and technology
The expert uses and masters a variety of hardware devices and software applications to support communication and collaboration, create and maintain artefacts, model and visualise concepts, track issues, and increase the personal and overall productivity. When presenting, he/she masters the presentation technology (beamers, adaptors, pointers, ...).
Below, you find our current list. It is continually updated.
1 Bloom, B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives. Vol. 1: Cognitive domain. New York: McKay, 20(24), 1.
190.00 CHF
165.00 CHF pour les membres d'une association organisé dans ICTSwitzerland
120.00 CHF pour les membres professionnels de la FSIE
Conditions: L'application comprends toutes vérifications formelles et leur répétition unique en cas de corrections. Si le résultat est negative, le tarif de l'application est dû de nouveau pour une autre application.
1’800.00 CHF
1’530.00 CHF pour les membres d'une association organisé dans ICTSwitzerland
1’300.00 CHF pour les membres professionnels de la FSIE
Conditions: La certification comprends l'évaluation de l'étude de cas (et une répétition unique en cas de corrections soumises) et l'examination de 60 minutes si l'étude de cas est acceptée. Les deux sont effectuées par 2 Experts FSIE cértifiés dans la spécialisation. Si l'étude de cas ou l'examination echouent, il n'y a pas de remboursement et une application et cértification nouvelles sont dues.
Re-Cértification (tous les 3 ans)
590.00 CHF
500.00 CHF pour les membres d'une association organisé dans ICTSwitzerland
0.00 CHF pour les membres Experts FSIE (inclus dans la cotisation annuelle)
Conditions: voir le règlement de cértification (education et pratique continues)
SI est une association suisse à but non lucratif pour les diplômés et professionels du domaine informatique.
Elle s'efforce d'améliorer constamment la qualité du paysage informatique suisse. Nous représentons les intérêts d'environ 1'500 experts issus de tous les domaines de l'informatique.
En tant que représentant des professionnels de l'informatique en Suisse, la SI contribue au processus de prise de décision politique. Elle soutient une politique informatique durable dans les applications publiques et privées. Dans l'intérêt des informaticiens, la SI s'engage en faveur de bonnes conditions-cadres pour la profession et d'une formation continue de haute qualité. Rejoignez des collègues de votre spécialité en Suisse pour vous connecter et vous impliquer.
La FSIE recommande des événements et des cours à ses membres. Si vous êtes un fournisseur de formation pour les experts en informatique, faites-le nous savoir.
La SI et ses groupes d'intérêt organisent en permanence des événements sur divers sujets d'actualité. Participez pour en savoir plus et pour rencontrer des personnes partageant les mêmes idées.
Jetter un pont entre business et l'informatique
L'association suisse à but non lucratif FSIE certifie des experts IT dignes de confiance et qualifiés pour notre société. Les employeurs, les clients, les collègues et les utilisateurs comptent sur eux.
La confidentialité des données s'étend à tous les domaines des technologies de l'information. Les nouveaux développements technologiques font qu'il est difficile de rester au top, alors que les violations de données s'accumulent et que les données personnelles deviennent de plus en plus précieuses. Dans ce contexte, SI organise des événements pour discuter des points essentiels de la confidentialité des données.
L'organisation de projets informatiques peut être un défi et entraîner des frais généraux importants. La SI invite des conférenciers à présenter leurs domaines d'expertise en matière de gestion de programmes et de projets et à créer une discussion sur le sujet.
L'administration suisse travaille actuellement pour jeter les bases d'une loi suisse sur l'identification électronique et d'un cadre pratique. La SI organise des événements avec divers partenaires et l'Etat dans le développement de l'E-ID et dispose d'un petit groupe de travail sur le sujet.
Au fur et à mesure que les infrastructures informatiques se développent et grandissent, elles deviennent également plus sujettes aux défaillances. La SI souhaite faciliter la discussion en organisant des événements et des exercices de sécurité et invite tous ses membres à se joindre à elle.
La SI a célébré son 40ème anniversaire le 17 novembre dernier à l'hôtel Schweizerhof à Berne. Nos clichés de l'évènement sont en ligne!
Le Swiss IT Congress 2024 abordera le thème de l'intelligence artificielle Pour en savoir plus sur le programme et vous inscrire, rendez-vous sur le site du SITC !
Les monnaies numériques telles que Bitcoin, Ethereum et bien d'autres sont au premier plan de l'esprit du temps. SI organise des événements et des cours avec des éducateurs et des passionnés et vous invite à participer pour vous faire votre propre opinion.
En savoir plus