The Swiss IT Congress SITC 2023 on E-ID in Switzerland has been held on Thursday May 11, 2023 as a physical event at the sitem-insel building in Bern.
We encourage all people interested in E-ID, data security and related subjects to have a look at the slides of the most general interest lectures, provided here. If you are interested in other parts of the agenda or wish to know about the follow-up that SI will give this event, contact us.
08:30 | Registration, welcome coffee | |
09:00 |
SI General Assembly |
Francis Baud, SI President Simon Moser, SI Treasurer |
11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:20 |
Opening of SITC 2023 and Welcome |
Francis Baud, SI President Nora Sleumer, SI Vice President and Moderator |
11:30 |
“The E-ID provided by the Swiss Government: Current state of work and perspectives” |
Rolf Rauschenbach, Communications Officer E-ID, Federal Office of Justice FOJ |
12:30 | Networking lunch | |
13:30 | E-ID in other countries | |
"Aadhaar: E-ID in India" |
Indukumar Vellapillil-Hari, Enterprise Architect at Credit Suisse with interest with ID implementation |
"ID (identification) Austria" |
Magister Martin Nemec, in charge of servicing ID at the Federal Ministry of Finance in Austria |
15:00 | Coffee break | |
15:30 |
"Swiss E-ID: Challenges and Chances" |
Prof. Dr. Annett Laube-Rosenpflanzer, Head of Institute IDAS, BFH-TI |
"Perpetual signatures, revocation and the right to be forgotten" |
Dr. Jörn Erbguth |
17:00 |
Sandbox Presentation: Public Sandbox Trust Infrastructure |
Federal E-ID Technical Team, Jonas Niestroj |
17:20 |
Closing remarks |
Francis Baud, SI President Nora Sleumer, SI Vice President and Moderator |
17:30 to 20:00 | Networking Apéro riche |
Rolf Rauschenbach holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of St. Gallen. He works as Communications Officer at the Federal Office of Justice FOJ. Prior, he held various positions in the industry and in academia, among others Chief Sales Officer at Procivis AG in Zurich and lecturer and researcher at Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Indukumar Vellapillil-Hari has 24 years of extensive experience in various roles such as an IT strategist, lead architect, service delivery lead, project leader, entrepreneur, author and software developer, with a significant 20 years in financial service domain.
He has done Technology strategy consulting for C-level engagements in large financial services organizations, practices architecture analysis of large scale digital transformation thanks to a wide experience ranging from architecting India's first reverse auction portal for travel, to the architecture of an award winning mobile application for a large Swiss bank.
He also co-founded a profitable Software As a Service company specialized in Structured Products.
Martin Nemec has Degrees in Computer Science and Economy from the Technical University in Vienna. He started his career, while still studying, in the Network Department of a large Austrian Bank. Later he did Network Management for Austrian Banks. After graduation he worked as Consultant in Umbrella Management on behalf of Unisys Austria, a large Austrian Telecom Provider.
Since 2003 in public service, he was responsible for the introduction of ELAK (electronic files) in the Federal Ministry of Transport. Then, from 2005 on, in the Federal Chancellery, he developed all kinds of electronic Forms (PDF, HTML, etc.).
In 2018, first in the Federal Ministry of Digitalization and Economy, and then in the Federal Ministry of Finance, he is responsible for the technical items and service of ID Austria.
Prof. Dr. Annett Laube-Rosenpflanzer received her doctorate in computer science from the TU Dresden. After more than 10 years in the IT industry (IBM Germany, SAP Development Canada, SAP Research Sophia-Antipolis/France), she has been Professor of Computer Science at the Bern University of Applied Sciences since 2009. In addition to her commitment to teaching, Annett Laube-Rosenpflanzer heads the IAM research group at the Institute for Data Applications and Security (IDAS). In her research she is particularly concerned with Identity and Access Management (IAM), authentication protocols, electronic identities and signatures, privacy protection.
With a double background in law and computer science, Jörn Erbguth bridges the gap between technology and law. After working as CTO, he wrote a thesis about a framework for long-term revocable credentials using blockchain and complying with data protection regulation. Jörn Erbguth is a consultant on blockchain and data protection and Head of Technology Insights at the Geneva Macro Labs association. He participates in standards organizations and lectures at Swiss universities. Jörn Erbguth likes to bridge the gap between disciplines to help shape the future digital society oriented on human rights and sustainability.
The state acts as the issuer of the E-ID and ensures the operation of the necessary trust infrastructure. Users should have the greatest possible control over their data. The department in charge of E-ID will use a SANDBOX to test it.
What is this public sandbox?
Generally speaking, a "sandbox" is an isolated test environment in which to experiment with new applications and technological approaches. In the case of the public trust infrastructure sandbox, this involves testing the technical components and processes around the e-ID and the trust infrastructure that is planned to be put in place, not only within the federal administration, but also with future ecosystem participants from the public sector and the economy.
Why does the Confederation offer this service?
The Confederation and the other participants can, in this test environment, acquire technical experience (functionalities, scalability, security, operation, etc.), organizational (integration of users, technical assistance, etc.) and functional (tests of use cases, interoperability between several organizations, ease of use, etc.). In addition, the sandbox must make it possible to interest other players in the ecosystem of digital evidence that is planned to be developed.
Who can participate?
Individuals, companies and organizations with their registered office in Switzerland. Participation is free.
"Automatisierte Prozesse bergen viel Potenzial. Firmen und Organisation, aber auch Einzelpersonen und die Gesellschaft sind existenziell von deren Entwicklung und Qualität abhängig. Die Berufsleute, welche diese federführend planen, umsetzen und schliesslich auch den Betrieb leiten, übernehmen grosse Verantwortung. Der FSIE bietet die notwendige Plattform, damit sie diese nach der initialen Ausbildung lebenslang kompetent wahrnehmen können. Als non-profit Verein von Experten für Experten sichert der FSIE zudem den objektiven und neutral evaluierten Feedback aus der Praxis. Damit optimieren wir kontinuierlich die Best Practices und Fortbildungsanforderungen.
Deshalb engagiere ich mich intensiv und mit Freude für diese Sache."
"Ich mache beim IT Expert SI-Projekt mit, weil eine schweizweit einheitliche Zertifizierung des Berufsstandes der Informatiker sowohl für die Berufsleute als auch für die Unternehmen Transparenz schafft, die Personalselektion erleichtert und direkt die Qualität von Informatikprojekten verbessert. Damit unseren Berufsstand vorwärts zu bringen, erfüllt mich mit Stolz."
"Die IT ist ein wesentlicher Entwicklungsfaktor und Treiber in Technologie, Markt und Gesellschaft. Es ist mir ein wichtiges Anliegen, IT als Werkzeug im Dienste der Anwender zu betrachten. Für einen verantwortungsvollen Einsatz der IT sind sowohl Ethik als auch eine fundierte Ausbildung unabdingbar. Mit IT Expert SI bilden wir eine hervorragende Plattform um diese Themen wirksam zu fördern und in die Entwicklung der Schweizer IT einfliessen zu lassen.
Als Mitglied des IESCo und als Präsident der SI-Ethikkommission setze ich mich für eine faire und ethische Umsetzung der SI-Statuten ein und unterstütze aktiv die Grundwerte des IT Expert SI."
"Es ist mir ein Herzensanliegen, die Steigerung der Professionalität und die Anerkennung von IT und IT-Experten zu fördern. Als Mitglied des IESCo und der Westschweizerinnen und Westschweizer engagiere ich mich für die Umsetzung des IT Expert SI im Allgemeinen und in der Westschweiz im Besonderen.
"UX und Interface Design werden immer wichtiger, um gute und nützliche Software zu entwickeln. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass alle an der Softwareentwicklung Beteiligten ein minimales Verständnis der Grundlagen benötigen und unterstütze daher die Idee einer Qualifikation und Zertifizierung in diesem Bereich. Als Dozent und Praktiker fühle ich mich qualifiziert, diese Aufgabe mitzutragen und hoffe, eine gute Lösung zu finden."
"Sicherheit und Vertrauen sind essentiell für IT, Business und Gesellschaft. Deshalb bin ich Teil der IT Expert SI-Initiative."