The SI is an association under Article 60 the Swiss Civil Code with headquarters in Bern, Switzerland. Natural and legal persons may join as members of the association.
Please read the statutes (in German) for more information about our organisational foundations.
Please also read the Imprint for more legal information.
In 2004-2005, the Ethics Commission at that time analyzed the ethical and professional guidelines of numerous computer science organisations. Using the “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct” of the ACM as a basis, the commission proceeded to draft a proposal adapted to Swiss conditions, intending to set standards of conduct for IT professionals in Switzerland.
The current version of the Code of Ethics (January 2019) was approved by the SI Board and went formally into effect in June 2019, after a vote by the members of the SI at the General Assembly 2019. The Code of Ethics is binding for all members of SI.
Please note that everybody, not just members of the SI, can file a complaint if they observe or suffer from an ethical misbehaviour of an SI member. This starts a process within SI, led by the Ethics Commission, to investigate the complaint and eventually come to a decision. Please file complaints by contacting the Ethics Commission via email or by paper mail.
The SI Ethics Commission has the authority to interpret the guidelines and the responsibility to implement them within the groups and amongst members of SI, making each member responsible for adapting them in practice. The ethics commission proposes periodical updates to the Guidelines as needed, which are then communicated to SI members through publication. The acceptance procedure is granted according to consultancy with SI members and its board. The Ethics Commission can be contacted via email.
Karol Frühauf
Karol Frühauf (1947) is co-founder and president of INFOGEM AG ( in Baden, Switzerland, since 1987 consulting in the field of software project and quality management, requirements engineering and test management. He worked for BBC Brown Boveri & Cie in the area of power system control for 12 years. Karol co-authored two books and is a frequent speaker, tutor and teacher in the field of software engineering. He graduated in Technical Informatics at RWTH Aachen and recently completed CAS in Economic Ethics at the University of Zurich. Karol initiated and initiated the “BridgeGuard Art / Science Residence Center” in Štúrovo, Slovakia (
Adrian Hüssy
Adrian Hüssy comes from the canton of Aargau. After an apprenticeship as a FEAM at Sprecher + Schuh AG, he completed his studies as a computer science engineer at HTL Brugg-Windisch. After internal business education and project management activities at Motor-Columbus AG and Holinger AG, he set up his own business as an IT consultant in 1992 and since then has managed Huessy Engineering GmbH in Baden. Since 2019 he has also been an employee of e-sy AG, a cooperation company for smart metering. He specializes in project and program management and applied database technology. As a member of the SI Specialist Group Computer Science and Society, he actively participated in the new Ethics Guideline and the Enforcement Rules.
Annett Laube-Rosenpflanzer
Prof. Dr. Annett Laube-Rosenpflanzer holds a doctorate in computer science from the TU Dresden. After more than 10 years in the IT industry (IBM Research Center Heidelberg, SAP Development and Consulting, SAP Development Canada, SAP Research Sophia-Antipolis / France), she has been a professor of computer science at the Bern University of Applied Sciences since 2009. In addition to her commitment to teaching, Annett Laube-Rosenpflanzer leads the IAM research group of the Institute ICT-Based Management and is a member of the eCH Expert Group IAM. In her research she focuses on security aspects in future internet applications, identity and access management and electronic identities, in particular the SuisseID.
Bernd Schachinger
Bernd Schachinger (1959) began his professional career after studying biology and mathematics at the Albert Ludwigs University in Freiburg im Breisgau. For 5 years, Mr. Schachinger has been working at Bedag AG in Bern in a team that is responsible for the areas of quality, IT security and risk management. As a freelancer, he is still working as a lead auditor for the Swiss Safety Center, leads a special interest group at SAQ, is committed to the environment in a nature conservation committee and has worked in the SI working group to develop the ethical guidelines.His first job was as a software developer at the Kühn & Weyh company. What was exciting was a project he was involved in, in which a meta-compiler was developed that generated machine code for all the hardware platforms common at the time. At the end of the 1990s, Bernd Schachinger moved to Basel, Switzerland. After taking over the management of a software team at a forwarding company, he moved to Systor AG where he devoted himself to IT processes and quality management. This was followed by a 9-year engagement at ABB Switzerland, where he helped to set up the entire IT process framework and worked as quality management.
Sabine Vargas
I have been working in computer science for more than thirty years. After several years in software development, I founded my own company for the purpose of providing project management services. Since 2007 I have worked in the areas of data management and business analysis, primarily in the data warehouse at big banks. As a lecturer I have lived my passion for vocational education and training over the last twenty years. Currently I teach various subjects at the Fernfachhochschule Schweiz. I have an MSc in Information Systems Management as well as various didactic certificates. I live in Winterthur with my husband and our two adult children who are still studying.