The field Artificial Intelligence is of interest to professionals with a job profile that matches or is close to
At SI, we focus on the ethical use of AI. AI has a lot of potential - for good and bad. The AI Specialist's responsibility is to not just fulfill requirements specified by others but to look into the system's or component's context, the socio-technical system, and identify vulnerabilities and risks. They must inform the relevant stakeholders (customer, users, sponsors, project managers, ...) and insist on mitigating the intolerable risks.
The Special Interest Group SGAICO (Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science) brings together researchers, practitioners and other parties interested in the subjects of artificial intelligence and cognitive science (AI/CO).
SGAICO promotes intelligent technologies for innovation in our society. It provides a platform for exchange on AI/CO between industry and universities.
SGAICO is a member of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI), which joins the European national AI/CO societies and holds the biannual EurA Iconference. A SGAICO membership includes access to EurAI benefits and resources such as participation in the EurAI conference and EurAI summer schools at discounted prices.